How to integrate our widget in your platform

Our widget provides an easy-to-integrate, customizable interface for your own platform. With it, your clients will be able to identify themselves by following a KYC process, and get access to the fiat<>crypto gateway.

Users flow

Once your widget is set, it will work as a fiat<>crypto gateway. The steps to follow by your users are:

  1. Submit the requested personal info (name, ID proof, selfie...) to identify them and run AML checks.
  2. Decide wether they will fund their own segregated bank account, a master bank account for your installation or pay by card.
  3. Once the payment is confirmed, it will be redirected back to your system. Note that when configuring the widget we will need a redirect_url that we will configure within the widget.
Widget flow chart

Widget flow chart

Integration flow

The steps for the widget integration are really simple:

  1. Create a client account in Depasify as explained in the Welcome page.

  2. Register as a Depasify partner. To do so, contact us to configure your partner ID, theme colors, logo and trading parameters.

  3. To integrate the widget into your platform, use the following embedded code, customizing the URL parameters as needed:

    1. PARTNER_ID This is your unique business identifier, provided during the configuration process in step 2.
    2. USER_UUID A UUIDv4 value that uniquely identifies each user on your platform. This ensures that when users return, their identity can be easily retrieved.
    3. CODEUse this parameter to append additional text to the transaction description. It will appear after the client's unique deposit_id as deposit_id code.
    4. AMOUNT is an optional param. You might add it when you want to use the 'direct_payment' or 'direct_card_payment' scenarios.
    5. NAME and SURNAME: are optional params. You might add it when you want to use the 'direct_card_payment' scenario. Also when you want to use 'direct_funding' or 'direct_payment' and use the card payment option.
    6. SCENARIO is an optional param. You might add it in the following cases:
    • with_registry: The process will include KYC, registration, and funding.
    • direct_funding: The widget will start directly at the ‘amount selection’ stage. No KYC or registration is required.
    • direct_card_payment: The widget will start directly at the 'card payment' stage. The amount, name, surname, address, postcal_code ,city, country_code parameters are required.
    • direct_payment: widget will start in the 'select payment method' part of the process. You will need to provide an amount param to set the amount.
    • No params: this is the default mode and will be person verification(KYC) + funding.

<iframe src="https:/" width="560px" height="650px" frameborder="0" allow="camera"></iframe>

  1. Provide us the redirect_url where the widget should point after the payment is done.
  2. The widget is ready for your users!