Widget Integration

How to integrate our widget in your platform

Depasify Widget Integration Guide


The Depasify widget provides a seamless, customizable interface for integrating KYC (Know Your Customer) processes and fiat-to-crypto gateway functionality into your platform. This solution enables your clients to verify their identity and conduct secure cryptocurrency transactions.

User Journey

Users interacting with the widget will follow these steps:

  1. Identity Verification

    • Submit personal information (name, ID proof, selfie)
    • Complete AML (Anti-Money Laundering) checks
  2. Payment Method Selection

    • Choose between:
      • Individual segregated bank account
      • Master bank account (platform-wide)
      • Card payment
  3. Transaction Completion

    • Process payment
    • Automatic redirect to your system via configured redirect_url

Integration Process


  1. Create a client account on Depasify - See our Getting Started Guide
  2. Register as a Depasify partner:
    • Contact [email protected]
    • Configure your:
      • Partner ID
      • Theme colors
      • Logo
      • Trading parameters

Widget Implementation

Basic Implementation

Add the following iframe to your platform:


URL Parameters

partnerYesYour unique partner identifier (provided during registration)
user_uuidYesUUIDv4 for user identification and session management
codeNoAdditional transaction description text (appended to deposit_id)
amountNo*Transaction amount (*Required for direct payment scenarios)
nameNo*User's first name (*Required for card payments)
surnameNo*User's last name (*Required for card payments)
trx_uuidNoCustom transaction identifier for business tracking
scenarioNoWorkflow configuration (see Scenarios section)

Available Scenarios

ScenarioDescriptionRequired Parameters
with_registryComplete flow: KYC + registration + fundingNone
direct_fundingStarts at amount selection (No KYC)None
direct_card_paymentStarts at card payment screenamount, name, surname, address, postal_code, city, country_code
direct_funding_cryptoStarts at crypto payment screenamount, currency
direct_paymentStarts at payment method selectionamount
(default)KYC + funding flowNone

Final Configuration

  1. Provide your redirect_url to Depasify for post-transaction redirects
    This can be done by including a “redirect_url” parameter in the widget implementation or by sharing the url to the Depasify team so that it is set in your account by default.
  2. Test the integration in your development environment
  3. Deploy to production


For technical support or custom implementations, contact our team at [email protected]